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BA2840/1715: Father Savio Nguyen tends to his bonsai plants at St Pauls Catholic Church, Karratha, 30 March 2020
BA2840/1716: Father Savio Nguyen in front of the closed St Pauls Catholic Church, Karratha, 30 March 2020
BA2840/1717: The Haynes family set up camp in Discovery Caravan Park, Karratha after being forced to leave Exmouth by the local Ranger because they might bring COVID-19, 30 March 2020
BA2840/1718: Carley Haynes with Roy and Daniel Haynes with Rose in camp at the Discovery Caravan Park, Karratha, 30 March 2020
BA2840/1719: The full Discovery Caravan Park in Karratha, 31 March 2020. The photographer's car and camp at right
BA2840/1720: Darren Clark's camp with en-suite facilities after the photographer is moved because the communal bathrooms are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, Karratha Discovery Caravan Park, 1 April 2020
BA2840/1721: Karratha Police check that COVID-19 social-distancing restrictions are observed at the Discovery Caravan Park, 1 April 2020
BA2840/1722: Deidre Adlam with her partner Jason Hartley caught in Karratha by the imposition of intrastate regional borders to control COVID-19, 5 April 2020
BA2840/1723: Jason Hartley and Deidre Adlam in camp at the Karratha Discovery Caravan Park, 5 April 2020
BA2840/1724: Jason Hartley and Deidre Adlam in camp at the Karratha Discovery Caravan Park, 5 April 2020
BA2840/1725: Karratha, 6 April 2020
BA2840/1726: St Paul's Catholic Church, Karratha, 6 April 2020
BA2840/1727: Social-distancing rules in place at Karratha Woolworths, 11 April 2020
BA2840/1728: The City of Karratha closes parks and playgrounds to prevent the spread of COVID-19, 12 April 2020
BA2840/1729: A street in the suburb of Baynton West in Karratha where everyone has a boat and caravan, 12 April 2020
BA2840/1730: Nigel Kroonstuiver working on his boat in front of his home in Baynton West, a suburb of Karratha, 12 April 2020
BA2840/1731: Nigel Kroonstuiver working on his boat in front of his home in Baynton West, a suburb of Karratha, 12 April 2020
BA2840/1732: A sparsely populated Discovery Caravan Park in Karratha after many are forced to leave because of COVID-19 regulations. At Easter the park would usually be full. 12 April 2020